Friday, February 8, 2008

In The Face of Battle

Last night I put on my armor, raised my shield, and loaded my weapon. I was never more ready and alert in my whole life. With watchful eye, I started to look for their camp. And with swift grace, I aimed at what they thought to be their safe haven and with all my might I unloaded significant amount of ammos to their homes. Boom! one by one they disintegrated, others just didn't know where they're going, while some laid flat on their backs unable to move...paralysed. But still I was not satisfied, I ran after all of them, very determinded to make their race or specie extinct. When the battle was over, I looked at the casualties, tsk tsk tsk poor COCKROACHES they won't live to see another day!

I know that every single creature has the right to live, but if they'll endanger the health of the ones I love, I'll never think twice! They'll just have to find another place to make their home.

Now that the war is over, peace reigns in our home. But I'm still vigilant and still on the lookout, counter-attacks do happen.

Keep your homes and surroundings clean and tidy...and be free from diseases caused by these dirty bugs.

Have a nice and bug-free day!

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