I got this tag from a great blogger friend Michelle. It's all about sharing 7 facts or secrets when we're still teenagers. Wheew time fly so fast, it seems like yesterday that I had my debut and now I'm on my way to my thirtees! Well, here are the few facts that I remember during my teenage time:
1. My bestfriend's name is Dimple, and she's still my bestfriend until now yippee! (Actually we nearly parted ways over a guy LOL good thing we got past through it, we both realized he didn't worth that much!).
2. It was my great dream to become a beauty queen (some dreams don't come true though LOL).
3. I was the 2nd Batallion Commander in our Philippine Military Training during high school. (I roar like a lion!)
4. I was addicted to roller skating. It made me feel like I was flying!
5. I had a great high school experience!
6. I had my first real kiss @ 17.
7. I had appendectomy and it's the worst pain ever I experienced!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Pave the way for Miss Korea!
It's United Nations Day once again. All schools have their own ways of celebrating it. Jam's school was not as enthusiastic as Arena's. While Jam's school expressed their spirit of unity by making different flags, Arena's was a little bit extravagant. They picked representatives of selected countries and the little kids have to wear the traditional costume or clothes of that country. Arena was just so convincing in her outfit, she looked like a Korean through & through!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Reach For Your Dreams
Gemini (May 20 - Jun 20)
Once you realize that plans are unlikely to last long you won't wonder where you went wrong. Instead, regard the proceedings as instructive. This frees you to employ your intuition. And, as you're short of facts, this could be the only way to come up with a solution.
***I'd better be wise and take my chance. I know it won't be easy, the challenges are tough, and I need to take bold steps if I want to reach my dreams. The waiting time is over. Action is needed promptly.
Aries (Mar 20 - Apr 18)
Your biggest problem isn't the considerable disruption currently taking place. It's that the anxieties of others are preventing you from shoring up plans. Actually, with changes still under way, your time is best spent exploring innovative solutions.
Taurus (Apr 19 - May 19)
Unsettling and occasionally worrying as the changes taking place are, they're actually about adopting a new perspective. But no one has enough facts to make decisions. The challenge, therefore, is refusing to commit to changes until early November.
Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 21)
While you understand that sometimes the tide must go out before it comes in, others aren't as philosophical about worrying situations. Instead of reassuring, distract them with activities that can be easily accomplished. This will boost everybody's spirits.
Leo (Jul 22 - Aug 21)
Perplexing situations give you two options. The first is to do all you can to sustain elements of the past that are dear to you. The second involves remembering what's been wonderful, then getting ready to make the best of each day's new developments.
Virgo (Aug 22 - Sep 21)
Before making any decision, you explore every option. But now, with so much in disarray, reliable facts are elusive. So mix facts you're sure of with your instincts. Actually, that's the best approach, since it allows you to review developments as they evolve.
Libra (Sep 22 - Oct 22)
Don't mistake sticking with unworkable situations as loyalty to others. Instead, discuss problems frankly and you'll realise they're well aware of what has gone wrong and are surprisingly prepared to make dramatic changes, if not abandon plans entirely.
Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 20)
Because of the current unsettled atmosphere you're more vigilant than usual. Still, the personal and practical insights that accompany Tuesday's full moon will be valuable enough that it's worth withdrawing, even if only for a few hours, to reflect on what emerges.
Sagittarius (Nov 21 - Dec 20)
Ordinarily you'll fight for what you believe in. And, usually you win. Now, however, you really must pause and assess what's still worth your while. This will enable you to rearrange things, freeing yourself to take advantage of opportunities that arise late in the week.
Capricorn (Dec 21 - Jan 19)
Times of transition require a different approach. Consequently you're likely to rearrange or abandon plans more frequently than would ordinarily be your custom. Actually that's best, since each new version allows you to eliminate what doesn't work.
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
The outcome of the developments triggered by next week's powerful aspects to Uranus can't be calculated. So trying to fine-tune plans now is pointless. Instead, edit out what doesn't work. That way, when the pace of changes picks up next week, you'll be prepared.
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 19)
Kindness may be a virtue. However, in helping those who're struggling you're doing them no favours. This is a time for change, thus, you might need to put others' struggles at the back of your mind, and turn your attention to changes that are long overdue.
Once you realize that plans are unlikely to last long you won't wonder where you went wrong. Instead, regard the proceedings as instructive. This frees you to employ your intuition. And, as you're short of facts, this could be the only way to come up with a solution.
***I'd better be wise and take my chance. I know it won't be easy, the challenges are tough, and I need to take bold steps if I want to reach my dreams. The waiting time is over. Action is needed promptly.
Aries (Mar 20 - Apr 18)
Your biggest problem isn't the considerable disruption currently taking place. It's that the anxieties of others are preventing you from shoring up plans. Actually, with changes still under way, your time is best spent exploring innovative solutions.
Taurus (Apr 19 - May 19)
Unsettling and occasionally worrying as the changes taking place are, they're actually about adopting a new perspective. But no one has enough facts to make decisions. The challenge, therefore, is refusing to commit to changes until early November.
Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 21)
While you understand that sometimes the tide must go out before it comes in, others aren't as philosophical about worrying situations. Instead of reassuring, distract them with activities that can be easily accomplished. This will boost everybody's spirits.
Leo (Jul 22 - Aug 21)
Perplexing situations give you two options. The first is to do all you can to sustain elements of the past that are dear to you. The second involves remembering what's been wonderful, then getting ready to make the best of each day's new developments.
Virgo (Aug 22 - Sep 21)
Before making any decision, you explore every option. But now, with so much in disarray, reliable facts are elusive. So mix facts you're sure of with your instincts. Actually, that's the best approach, since it allows you to review developments as they evolve.
Libra (Sep 22 - Oct 22)
Don't mistake sticking with unworkable situations as loyalty to others. Instead, discuss problems frankly and you'll realise they're well aware of what has gone wrong and are surprisingly prepared to make dramatic changes, if not abandon plans entirely.
Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 20)
Because of the current unsettled atmosphere you're more vigilant than usual. Still, the personal and practical insights that accompany Tuesday's full moon will be valuable enough that it's worth withdrawing, even if only for a few hours, to reflect on what emerges.
Sagittarius (Nov 21 - Dec 20)
Ordinarily you'll fight for what you believe in. And, usually you win. Now, however, you really must pause and assess what's still worth your while. This will enable you to rearrange things, freeing yourself to take advantage of opportunities that arise late in the week.
Capricorn (Dec 21 - Jan 19)
Times of transition require a different approach. Consequently you're likely to rearrange or abandon plans more frequently than would ordinarily be your custom. Actually that's best, since each new version allows you to eliminate what doesn't work.
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
The outcome of the developments triggered by next week's powerful aspects to Uranus can't be calculated. So trying to fine-tune plans now is pointless. Instead, edit out what doesn't work. That way, when the pace of changes picks up next week, you'll be prepared.
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 19)
Kindness may be a virtue. However, in helping those who're struggling you're doing them no favours. This is a time for change, thus, you might need to put others' struggles at the back of your mind, and turn your attention to changes that are long overdue.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Seeing Life In A Different Light
Eversince I found out that I have a poor vision, the first thing came into my mind was to purchase a nice pair of eyeglasses. Though I love so much to buy those stylish ones and with signature names at that, I been put off with their exuberant prices. So I settled for those economical and less stylish ones. And then I started wearing contact lenses. Although contact lenses are very much liberating (I get so tired of wearing specs all the time, plus it makes me look old) and fashionable, there are times that my eyes get too tired and irritated that all I want to do is get rid of my contact lenses. And so I miss my good old eyeglasses.
Now my new mission is to get a pair of fashionable eyeglasses that is still within my budget. Then I have come to know about ZenniOptical, this is an online store where you can find stylish eyeglasses for as low as $8! I was so amazed while reading an article of Chicago Tribune and it mentioned how you can get quality and equally lovely eyeglasses without overpaying for such.
If you are still in the blurry side, I highly recommend that you go check ZenniOptical, then you could start appreciating the beauty of the world in a different light.
I am very interested in buying one, not only because I need it, also for the fact that I love it!
Sexiest Bitch Alive...I just freakin' love it!
I got this exciting tag from Michelle (My Crazy Life With A Toddler), and I just can't resist but grab it!
S - You are freakin' crazy
H - You have a very good personality and good looks
I - People love you
E - You Are Great
A - Best Gf/Bf any one could have
M - Handsome/Beautiful
A - Best Gf/Bf any one could have
Y - Sexiest bitch alive
My gosh this is freaking true, SEXIEST bitch alive hahaha! I really had fun doing this, I suggest you grab it too! Thanks Mich...
A: Best Gf/Bf any one could have
B: You love a certain someone
C: People cant help but check u out
D: You are really lovable
E: You Are Great
F: Easy to fall in love with
G: You never let people tell you what to do
H: You have a very good personality and good looks
I: People love you
J: People Adore you
K: You’re wild and crazy
M: Handsome/Beautiful
N: Easy to fall in love with
O: Best kisser ever
P: You are popular with all types of people
Q: You are a hypocrite
R: You love to kiss
S: You are freakin crazy
T: You are loyal to the ones you love
U: You really like to chill
V: your not judgmental
W: You are popular
X: You never let people tell you
Y: Sexiest bitch alive
Z: Never good enough…
S - You are freakin' crazy
H - You have a very good personality and good looks
I - People love you
E - You Are Great
A - Best Gf/Bf any one could have
M - Handsome/Beautiful
A - Best Gf/Bf any one could have
Y - Sexiest bitch alive
My gosh this is freaking true, SEXIEST bitch alive hahaha! I really had fun doing this, I suggest you grab it too! Thanks Mich...
A: Best Gf/Bf any one could have
B: You love a certain someone
C: People cant help but check u out
D: You are really lovable
E: You Are Great
F: Easy to fall in love with
G: You never let people tell you what to do
H: You have a very good personality and good looks
I: People love you
J: People Adore you
K: You’re wild and crazy
M: Handsome/Beautiful
N: Easy to fall in love with
O: Best kisser ever
P: You are popular with all types of people
Q: You are a hypocrite
R: You love to kiss
S: You are freakin crazy
T: You are loyal to the ones you love
U: You really like to chill
V: your not judgmental
W: You are popular
X: You never let people tell you
Y: Sexiest bitch alive
Z: Never good enough…
Monday, October 20, 2008
Web Hosting Rating
For a long time I have been thinking of getting a new website hosting service of my own. But every time I search the web for such, I am always taken aback with the high price they are offering. I often tell myself I will wait after sometime when the rates will go down but it never did. I kept thinking why should I get one for a high price when I can always opt for those free ones. Then I realized that a webpage of your own offers variety of opportunities and benefits which your free domain limits you from having. Many advertisers prefer a private domain for their advertising needs. And whenever I browse for blogging opportunities, my free domain is almost often excluded.
So I kept searching until I found Web Host Rating where you can find lots of web hosting providers which offer great deals and value for your money. And what’s more, the said web host servers are rated by Web Host Rating according to the best value and quality they provide to their consumers. So the next time you think of buying a domain of your own, come and check this amazing site, the one you could entrust your money with.
End of the Road?
I am feeling gloomy and sad today, I had the most sensational fight with Shushu yesterday (I won't go into details). But this is just one of our almost regular misunderstandings. I know when I decided to be with him that it won't be easy, culture gap, religious differences, etc. Before I thought it matters less so long as we love each other. But now, I am really confused. Getting tired of the fight and make-up scenarious.
I am thinking of ending it all now, once and for all. But why I feel so down and hurt? Love stinks! (I'm not going to give up on love though, so I stink LOL).
I am thinking of ending it all now, once and for all. But why I feel so down and hurt? Love stinks! (I'm not going to give up on love though, so I stink LOL).
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Women, especially mothers like us & wives (excluding me LOL), should be skillful in the kitchen. Infact, this should be a requirement before getting married, as the old saying goes "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach". But this requirement and saying should not be limited to women alone, it should be vice versa, right? Yeah right! Good food entices your hubby from coming home early and most of all it keeps your kids happy and healthy.
When you're cooking, it must be from the heart, because your mood will reflect to the food you're preparing. You can only do this if you are comfortable in your own kitchen. If it's neat & tidy, orderly and well-equipped. I've already designed in my mind my ideal and dream kitchen. However, our kitchen now is good enough. Most of the needed appliances are installed, from oven, stove, & microwave to fridge and washing machine (yes, I do the washing while cooking, hitting two tasks all at one time!). Here take a peek...

So the next time you enter your kitchen, think of it as your kingdom, where everything good begins.
When you're cooking, it must be from the heart, because your mood will reflect to the food you're preparing. You can only do this if you are comfortable in your own kitchen. If it's neat & tidy, orderly and well-equipped. I've already designed in my mind my ideal and dream kitchen. However, our kitchen now is good enough. Most of the needed appliances are installed, from oven, stove, & microwave to fridge and washing machine (yes, I do the washing while cooking, hitting two tasks all at one time!). Here take a peek...
So the next time you enter your kitchen, think of it as your kingdom, where everything good begins.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Standing still
Gemini (May 20 - Jun 20)
After weeks of complications you're longing for things to go smoothly. However, with Mercury's just ended retrograde cycle expect several days worth of fallout and chaos, especially with projects dear to your heart. Consequently, care and caution are vital.
***I felt rather lonely for a few minutes after reading my horoscope this week. But after sometime, I realize that there is nothing to worry about. Though my stars are quite misaligned as of the moment, everything is possible... every problem has a solution. I can do it... I'm a survivor!
Aries (Mar 20 - Apr 18)
Ignore the past weeks' problems and they'll complicate your life later. Besides, the recent full moon highlighted issues that need to be discussed. Putting these off too only makes things worse. Once you begin you'll realise things are not as complex as you feared.
Taurus (Apr 19 - May 19)
Not only are various obligations demanding, certain individuals are also particularly needy. Then there are potential financial dramas. Overwhelming as this seems, think things through and you'll realise nothing is that challenging. It's a matter of organization.
Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 21)
Review seemingly unchanging elements of your life. Recent developments have so altered the equation that you must examine what works and, more importantly, what doesn't. While some changes are minor, others mean re-evaluating elements of your life.
Leo (Jul 22 - Aug 21)
You've finally realised that changes you've been battling are actually in your best interests, so are now eager to proceed. But with Mercury having resumed forward motion last Wednesday, you've numerous loose ends to tie up. Proceed wisely and slowly.
Virgo (Aug 22 - Sep 21)
Even with your acute analytical skills, you simply can't figure out every problem. Accept that and instead of worrying, you'll live one day at a time. Besides, with Mercury just having ended its retrograde cycle last Wednesday, you've millions of details to deal with.
Libra (Sep 22 - Oct 22)
Certain complex personal matters require serious attention. However, dwelling on them makes you feel guilty about neglecting others. More importantly, addressing the issues in question makes you anxious. Tackling them reveals they're uncomplicated.
Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 20)
You're finally ready to tackle changes you've been putting off. Actually, you should wait. While you know a great deal about the past, you're ill-informed about your options for the future. The full moon on the 28th promises profound insights about them.
Sagittarius (Nov 21 - Dec 20)
Recent experiences have forced you to question once cherished activities and relationships. Worse, acknowledging they're not ideal begins a search for a new purpose in life. There's no need to worry, the planets have organised something spectacular for you.
Capricorn (Dec 21 - Jan 19)
It's now clear that certain once- workable plans have outlived their time, so must be revised or abandoned. This is no problem, since you acknowledge trying to keep them afloat for the sake of it only complicates things. Meanwhile, explore everything.
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
Everybody is looking for a quick fix for recent unsettling developments and equally wanting facts about the future. However, this period is about exploration. This especially applies to you since elements of your life are bound to remain in flux until November 4.
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 19)
Waste no time seeking the ideal solution for others' problems or your own dilemmas. With major changes afoot, what works now could soon cause problems. This may mean taking stopgap measures, but it also gives you the freedom to take chances and try out things.
After weeks of complications you're longing for things to go smoothly. However, with Mercury's just ended retrograde cycle expect several days worth of fallout and chaos, especially with projects dear to your heart. Consequently, care and caution are vital.
***I felt rather lonely for a few minutes after reading my horoscope this week. But after sometime, I realize that there is nothing to worry about. Though my stars are quite misaligned as of the moment, everything is possible... every problem has a solution. I can do it... I'm a survivor!
Aries (Mar 20 - Apr 18)
Ignore the past weeks' problems and they'll complicate your life later. Besides, the recent full moon highlighted issues that need to be discussed. Putting these off too only makes things worse. Once you begin you'll realise things are not as complex as you feared.
Taurus (Apr 19 - May 19)
Not only are various obligations demanding, certain individuals are also particularly needy. Then there are potential financial dramas. Overwhelming as this seems, think things through and you'll realise nothing is that challenging. It's a matter of organization.
Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 21)
Review seemingly unchanging elements of your life. Recent developments have so altered the equation that you must examine what works and, more importantly, what doesn't. While some changes are minor, others mean re-evaluating elements of your life.
Leo (Jul 22 - Aug 21)
You've finally realised that changes you've been battling are actually in your best interests, so are now eager to proceed. But with Mercury having resumed forward motion last Wednesday, you've numerous loose ends to tie up. Proceed wisely and slowly.
Virgo (Aug 22 - Sep 21)
Even with your acute analytical skills, you simply can't figure out every problem. Accept that and instead of worrying, you'll live one day at a time. Besides, with Mercury just having ended its retrograde cycle last Wednesday, you've millions of details to deal with.
Libra (Sep 22 - Oct 22)
Certain complex personal matters require serious attention. However, dwelling on them makes you feel guilty about neglecting others. More importantly, addressing the issues in question makes you anxious. Tackling them reveals they're uncomplicated.
Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 20)
You're finally ready to tackle changes you've been putting off. Actually, you should wait. While you know a great deal about the past, you're ill-informed about your options for the future. The full moon on the 28th promises profound insights about them.
Sagittarius (Nov 21 - Dec 20)
Recent experiences have forced you to question once cherished activities and relationships. Worse, acknowledging they're not ideal begins a search for a new purpose in life. There's no need to worry, the planets have organised something spectacular for you.
Capricorn (Dec 21 - Jan 19)
It's now clear that certain once- workable plans have outlived their time, so must be revised or abandoned. This is no problem, since you acknowledge trying to keep them afloat for the sake of it only complicates things. Meanwhile, explore everything.
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
Everybody is looking for a quick fix for recent unsettling developments and equally wanting facts about the future. However, this period is about exploration. This especially applies to you since elements of your life are bound to remain in flux until November 4.
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 19)
Waste no time seeking the ideal solution for others' problems or your own dilemmas. With major changes afoot, what works now could soon cause problems. This may mean taking stopgap measures, but it also gives you the freedom to take chances and try out things.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Keen Eyes
Eyesight is very important to mankind. For without it, we can never appreciate the beauty of the world God had created for us. To see the wonders of nature, and bask on the magnificent scenery only our eyes can see. Aside from that, it is a very essential tool for us to survive and do our activities of daily living. And most of all to watch our kids grow into a beautiful person they ought to be.
Having clear and sharp vision is just important for us civilians. But for the military and NASA, it is a MUST. They need to be keen and alert for one single mistake could mean defeat. I remembered how Ben Affleck used his charm on the nurse who was assessing his vision just to pass the eye test in the movie Pearl Harbor. That scene was just so cute and romantic!
Anyway, even I am suffering of poor visual acuity. I've been very interested in this new LASIK technology. That is why I am digging up about LASIK information. It is proven safe and effective. And what more? anyone can afford it! I hope soon, when I have enough money, I'll surely go for this. I'd do everything to get my normal vision back without the hassle of wearing contact lenses and eyeglasses.

Having clear and sharp vision is just important for us civilians. But for the military and NASA, it is a MUST. They need to be keen and alert for one single mistake could mean defeat. I remembered how Ben Affleck used his charm on the nurse who was assessing his vision just to pass the eye test in the movie Pearl Harbor. That scene was just so cute and romantic!
Anyway, even I am suffering of poor visual acuity. I've been very interested in this new LASIK technology. That is why I am digging up about LASIK information. It is proven safe and effective. And what more? anyone can afford it! I hope soon, when I have enough money, I'll surely go for this. I'd do everything to get my normal vision back without the hassle of wearing contact lenses and eyeglasses.

Happy Birthday Geel!
Happy birthday little sister (though you're not quite as little as before, gosh when did u grow up so fast?)! Anyway I know that you've enjoyed your day a lot. I just wished I was there with you guyz to celebrate (I would have monopolized the new megavision LOL).
I hope all your wishes will come true. Stay good and focused in school. And thanks for helping Jamjam with her assignments!
Luv ya!
I hope all your wishes will come true. Stay good and focused in school. And thanks for helping Jamjam with her assignments!
Luv ya!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Inside Job
Prison situation in the Philippines is an inch better than hell. And getting inmate records is twice as worse. So whenever I watch western movies, I envy on how easily they manage to retrieve data even in restricted systems.
But I learned that it's not only in the movies, it's for real! If you ever have the need to locate specific prison information or documents, don't waste your time and money. I suggest you go to the best place. Find inmate records all across America through county inmate search. Whichever state you need, they got it all covered!
But I learned that it's not only in the movies, it's for real! If you ever have the need to locate specific prison information or documents, don't waste your time and money. I suggest you go to the best place. Find inmate records all across America through county inmate search. Whichever state you need, they got it all covered!
A Million Dollar Driver's License
Wheeew! Getting a Driver's License here in the U.A.E. is a very tough not to mention a very costly affair. If you're new to driving, you must enroll yourself to an accredited driving institute (Emirates Driving Institute, Galadari, Belhasa, Al Ahli, and the list continues...) and should undergo 40 driving classes.
But if you already have a driver's license in your home country, you could either apply for license without further need of driving lessons (if your home country is included in the exempted list). Or if your home country is not among the lucky ones (just like me LOL) then you can apply after undergoing 20 driving lessons. Well not bad.
Now we go to the fees, and I'm sure you'll think twice if you want to get the license or not. The cheapest per session I know is Dhs 50 (50x20= 1000) and that is exclusive of the test fees, licensing fees, and all other fees they can think of.
But if you already have a driver's license in your home country, you could either apply for license without further need of driving lessons (if your home country is included in the exempted list). Or if your home country is not among the lucky ones (just like me LOL) then you can apply after undergoing 20 driving lessons. Well not bad.
Now we go to the fees, and I'm sure you'll think twice if you want to get the license or not. The cheapest per session I know is Dhs 50 (50x20= 1000) and that is exclusive of the test fees, licensing fees, and all other fees they can think of.
Our child's safety is our TOP priority
Jamjam, at a very young age, loves to travel. Whenever she gets the chance, she'll go with my mother to our beauty salon (situated an hour drive from our home). And everytime she went there, I always made sure that she puts on seatbelt and everything. I was even thinking of buying a baby car seat, (then I remember Jamjam is already 7 years old!). Well, I might still buy, I'll use it for my future kids LOL.
So if you want one for your baby, there's a great online shopping site that offers just about everything: ShopWiki. Name it (I mean type it LOL) and they have it! They also offers items in variety of brands, so you have a wide range to choose from.
The next time you are thinking of buying just about anything, I suggest you try ShopWiki and see the difference! See you there...
So if you want one for your baby, there's a great online shopping site that offers just about everything: ShopWiki. Name it (I mean type it LOL) and they have it! They also offers items in variety of brands, so you have a wide range to choose from.
The next time you are thinking of buying just about anything, I suggest you try ShopWiki and see the difference! See you there...
Team Building @ Al Mamzar Beach
Dr. Khalil (Head of Pediatric & Neonatology, Welcare) is regularly scheduling team building activities for his staff. And it's usually a barbeque party @ the beach. It's my very first time to attend since I joined Welcare, and I must say it's a great party. We had lots of fun and indeed we built some cool team that day.
Here are some of the uncensored pix we've taken LOL...
Here are some of the uncensored pix we've taken LOL...
Pediatric Ward,
team building,
Welcare Hospital
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Find your Tribe in MyTrybe!
Ever wonder how many people in this big wide huge universe who share the same taste, style, passion, etc. with you? Well wonder no more coz MyTrybe is here to connect us all with our long lost taste-mastes, style-mates, passion-mates etc.The World Wide Web is just as vast as the galaxy, you might not be able to meet those people who are in such a way connected to you. But Mytrybe narrows this awesome space into one great site. With similar people you can display to your fellow bloggers how similar you are to them, see and be seenby people like you, reveal your blog to people that share your sensibilities, tap into recommendations from your most similar people.
First you need to sign up at MyTrybe.com, just follow the simple steps (I promise you it's as fast as the lightning) and verify your email address. Then grab the widget here (Learn more & get the widget). Put the widget on the sidebar of your blog, not to the the post itself. Don't forget to activate the widget by filling up necessary infos on the widget itself. Then you're done!!! Easy as 1-2-3.
Now you can meet people with similar likes in things in general. You get to meet new friends, broaden your horizon, as well as enjoy every minute of it. Just simply great! So please waste no time in wondering where are those people who might just brighten up a lousy day. Mytrybe will lead them all right at your very doorstep (in your blog I mean LOL).
First you need to sign up at MyTrybe.com, just follow the simple steps (I promise you it's as fast as the lightning) and verify your email address. Then grab the widget here (Learn more & get the widget). Put the widget on the sidebar of your blog, not to the the post itself. Don't forget to activate the widget by filling up necessary infos on the widget itself. Then you're done!!! Easy as 1-2-3.
Now you can meet people with similar likes in things in general. You get to meet new friends, broaden your horizon, as well as enjoy every minute of it. Just simply great! So please waste no time in wondering where are those people who might just brighten up a lousy day. Mytrybe will lead them all right at your very doorstep (in your blog I mean LOL).

Friday, October 10, 2008
Gemini (May 20 - Jun 20)
The upheaval in several areas of your life is far from a sign that things are going seriously wrong. Actually, this chaos is an indication of breakthroughs in situations you thought you'd simply have to accept as they are.
***Indeed life's full of surprises. Things that are so difficult to face are there to strengthen us and make us cope with more difficult situations. So learn from each experience, and be glad that you know how to problem-solve. Get out in each situations with a smiling face! Have a nice day guyzzz...
Aries (Mar 20 - Apr 18)
You've tried to ignore certain deeply personal emotional issues that also involve others. Now the events triggered by the Aries full moon make it clear you can't. The more open you are about your feelings, the more swiftly they can be put to rest.
Taurus (Apr 19 - May 19)
Tempting as it is to agree to certain appealing offers, you can't help but worry about the resulting unsettling changes. While there's no escaping these, once you're actually benefiting from them, those worries will vanish.
Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 21)
Ever since late September you've been exploring ways you could improve on elements of your work or lifestyle, but haven't known where to begin. Ironically, the confusion triggered by Mercury's retrograde cycle offers inspiration.
Leo (Jul 22 - Aug 21)
While your ruler the sun's superb aspect to the intuitive Neptune indicates powerful insights, others aren't aware of this influence and so could actually create obstacles to doing what's clearly best. Quietly and serenely take action.
Virgo (Aug 22 - Sep 21)
Perfectionist that you are, leaving tasks undone or in disarray can cause you great distress. However, try to organise certain plans now and you'll soon realise that you're only making your life more difficult. Wait until midweek and things fall into place.
Libra (Sep 22 - Oct 22)
The last thing you want is a showdown with those closest at work or at home. However, not only are fireworks unavoidable, once you've actually talked things over you'll realise why it's essential that these matters be discussed frankly.
Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 20)
Don't misinterpret the fact that certain arrangements are falling apart as reason to worry. Actually, these are just the tail end of the changes resulting from revelations triggered by the retrograde Mercury.
Sagittarius (Nov 21 - Dec 20)
Disappointing as last minute changes in plan are, you're not only feeling philosophical about them, you're optimistic about something better coming along. Unfortunately others have put a far more negative spin on this, which could be a problem.
Capricorn (Dec 21 - Jan 19)
You're so involved in ensuring things go as planned that you haven't really noticed the subtle changes in circumstances that will very soon force you to completely rearrange those plans.
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
You might not immediately recognise the potential of certain ideas, mostly because they're such a departure from what you've been doing. Actually, that's one of their greatest virtues. Explore these in further detail.
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 19)
Life has become unexpectedly complicated. Worse, others are expecting you to sort out these problems. Tell them you not only can't, you won't. If they want something done, make it clear they'll have to do it themselves.
The upheaval in several areas of your life is far from a sign that things are going seriously wrong. Actually, this chaos is an indication of breakthroughs in situations you thought you'd simply have to accept as they are.
***Indeed life's full of surprises. Things that are so difficult to face are there to strengthen us and make us cope with more difficult situations. So learn from each experience, and be glad that you know how to problem-solve. Get out in each situations with a smiling face! Have a nice day guyzzz...
Aries (Mar 20 - Apr 18)
You've tried to ignore certain deeply personal emotional issues that also involve others. Now the events triggered by the Aries full moon make it clear you can't. The more open you are about your feelings, the more swiftly they can be put to rest.
Taurus (Apr 19 - May 19)
Tempting as it is to agree to certain appealing offers, you can't help but worry about the resulting unsettling changes. While there's no escaping these, once you're actually benefiting from them, those worries will vanish.
Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 21)
Ever since late September you've been exploring ways you could improve on elements of your work or lifestyle, but haven't known where to begin. Ironically, the confusion triggered by Mercury's retrograde cycle offers inspiration.
Leo (Jul 22 - Aug 21)
While your ruler the sun's superb aspect to the intuitive Neptune indicates powerful insights, others aren't aware of this influence and so could actually create obstacles to doing what's clearly best. Quietly and serenely take action.
Virgo (Aug 22 - Sep 21)
Perfectionist that you are, leaving tasks undone or in disarray can cause you great distress. However, try to organise certain plans now and you'll soon realise that you're only making your life more difficult. Wait until midweek and things fall into place.
Libra (Sep 22 - Oct 22)
The last thing you want is a showdown with those closest at work or at home. However, not only are fireworks unavoidable, once you've actually talked things over you'll realise why it's essential that these matters be discussed frankly.
Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 20)
Don't misinterpret the fact that certain arrangements are falling apart as reason to worry. Actually, these are just the tail end of the changes resulting from revelations triggered by the retrograde Mercury.
Sagittarius (Nov 21 - Dec 20)
Disappointing as last minute changes in plan are, you're not only feeling philosophical about them, you're optimistic about something better coming along. Unfortunately others have put a far more negative spin on this, which could be a problem.
Capricorn (Dec 21 - Jan 19)
You're so involved in ensuring things go as planned that you haven't really noticed the subtle changes in circumstances that will very soon force you to completely rearrange those plans.
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
You might not immediately recognise the potential of certain ideas, mostly because they're such a departure from what you've been doing. Actually, that's one of their greatest virtues. Explore these in further detail.
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 19)
Life has become unexpectedly complicated. Worse, others are expecting you to sort out these problems. Tell them you not only can't, you won't. If they want something done, make it clear they'll have to do it themselves.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Just Another Butterfly Award!

Just another butterfly award, but one so special nonetheless. I thank John (Rose's hubby) for thinking of my blog as among the coolest in the world wide web.
Once accepting this award, the rules are as follow:
Once accepting this award, the rules are as follow:
Put the logo on your blog.
Add a link to the person who awarded you.
Nominate 10 other blogs.
Add links to those blogs on yours.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
I can't believe my eyes!!!
What a great way to start October! I've always wanted to have a Page Rank from Google, even if it's just 1. But to give me PR2 is such a blessing! Thanks so much guys for granting me this, I've always been a Googler, eversince my college days.
And I should say, I'll keep on Googling as long as I'm still capable of using a PC and internet LOL...
Have a great day everyone!
And I should say, I'll keep on Googling as long as I'm still capable of using a PC and internet LOL...
Have a great day everyone!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Eid Mubarak!
Eid Mubarak is a very special day for Islam (it's the Christmas equivalent for us Christians), celebrated after the long weeks of Ramadan. So Muslims are in such a merry state (and did I mention very sated state?) what after the long weeks of fasting, they can finally have their fill.
My Shushu is honoring Ramadan, so he's not quite in his mind lately LOL. We fought often for the last weeks, even with so simple and little things. Funny how hunger affects one's mind. But anyway I'm so glad it's over, we celebrated Eid together, and I can say that it's quite a blast. Benefits of fasting hehehe
My Shushu is honoring Ramadan, so he's not quite in his mind lately LOL. We fought often for the last weeks, even with so simple and little things. Funny how hunger affects one's mind. But anyway I'm so glad it's over, we celebrated Eid together, and I can say that it's quite a blast. Benefits of fasting hehehe
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