Friday, October 17, 2008

Standing still

Gemini (May 20 - Jun 20)
After weeks of complications you're longing for things to go smoothly. However, with Mercury's just ended retrograde cycle expect several days worth of fallout and chaos, especially with projects dear to your heart. Consequently, care and caution are vital.

***I felt rather lonely for a few minutes after reading my horoscope this week. But after sometime, I realize that there is nothing to worry about. Though my stars are quite misaligned as of the moment, everything is possible... every problem has a solution. I can do it... I'm a survivor!

Aries (Mar 20 - Apr 18)
Ignore the past weeks' problems and they'll complicate your life later. Besides, the recent full moon highlighted issues that need to be discussed. Putting these off too only makes things worse. Once you begin you'll realise things are not as complex as you feared.

Taurus (Apr 19 - May 19)
Not only are various obligations demanding, certain individuals are also particularly needy. Then there are potential financial dramas. Overwhelming as this seems, think things through and you'll realise nothing is that challenging. It's a matter of organization.

Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 21)
Review seemingly unchanging elements of your life. Recent developments have so altered the equation that you must examine what works and, more importantly, what doesn't. While some changes are minor, others mean re-evaluating elements of your life.

Leo (Jul 22 - Aug 21)
You've finally realised that changes you've been battling are actually in your best interests, so are now eager to proceed. But with Mercury having resumed forward motion last Wednesday, you've numerous loose ends to tie up. Proceed wisely and slowly.

Virgo (Aug 22 - Sep 21)
Even with your acute analytical skills, you simply can't figure out every problem. Accept that and instead of worrying, you'll live one day at a time. Besides, with Mercury just having ended its retrograde cycle last Wednesday, you've millions of details to deal with.

Libra (Sep 22 - Oct 22)
Certain complex personal matters require serious attention. However, dwelling on them makes you feel guilty about neglecting others. More importantly, addressing the issues in question makes you anxious. Tackling them reveals they're uncomplicated.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 20)
You're finally ready to tackle changes you've been putting off. Actually, you should wait. While you know a great deal about the past, you're ill-informed about your options for the future. The full moon on the 28th promises profound insights about them.

Sagittarius (Nov 21 - Dec 20)
Recent experiences have forced you to question once cherished activities and relationships. Worse, acknowledging they're not ideal begins a search for a new purpose in life. There's no need to worry, the planets have organised something spectacular for you.

Capricorn (Dec 21 - Jan 19)
It's now clear that certain once- workable plans have outlived their time, so must be revised or abandoned. This is no problem, since you acknowledge trying to keep them afloat for the sake of it only complicates things. Meanwhile, explore everything.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
Everybody is looking for a quick fix for recent unsettling developments and equally wanting facts about the future. However, this period is about exploration. This especially applies to you since elements of your life are bound to remain in flux until November 4.

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 19)
Waste no time seeking the ideal solution for others' problems or your own dilemmas. With major changes afoot, what works now could soon cause problems. This may mean taking stopgap measures, but it also gives you the freedom to take chances and try out things.


1 comment:

Michelle said...

Wow, my horoscope sounds really interesting. Thanks for sharing. I always enjoy reading these.