So it's Friday once again, my weekly horoscope post. Have fun!
Gemini (May 20 - Jun 20)For ages you have been sidestepping issues on the domestic front and potentially painful conversations. Since strategising around these has become more troublesome than actually dealing with them, you're relieved when events force these out in the open. 
Leo (Jul 22 - Aug 21)Dealing with the questions raised by the eclipsed new moon last Friday will take ages. Discuss the matter with others. This ensures everybody understands that things simply can't remain as they are and deepens close relationships.
Virgo (Aug 22 - Sep 21)You'd rather face the truth than live a fantasy. Unfortunately those feelings aren't universal, which means being forthright about tricky situations could lead to difficulties. However, others will be thankful that you encouraged them to be as frank as you are.
Libra (Sep 22 - Oct 22)Others have the impression you're happy leaving decisions to them while you've actually taken measures to ensure things go your way. However, recent developments have raised numerous uncertainties. Actually, you're better off on the sidelines than getting involved.
Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 20)Waging a battle against potential changes in your life won't just waste time, it could actually prevent you from taking advantage of worthwhile opportunities. Hopefully, you're already discussing ideas with others. If not, then you've lots of catching up to do.
Sagittarius (Nov 21 - Dec 20)Usually, saying yes to everything would be unwise. With dynamic changes triggered by August's two eclipses, however, it's a sound strategy, as it ensures nothing passes you by. That way, after the 16th you can eliminate what doesn't work.
Capricorn (Dec 21 - Jan 19)Seemingly simple exchanges could prove informative or take you in an unexpected direction. Making the best of this requires flexibility, particularly when it comes to existing plans. That's fine, since you needn't worry about finalising commitments of any kind.
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)You've numerous questions about swiftly changing situations and your role in them. Obviously, you'll want to get things organised. But now, prior to the pivotal eclipsed Full Moon on the 16th, exploration should be your first priority.
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 19)Some people are excited about the changes currently sweeping through everybody's life, while others are complaining nonstop. Let them. If they haven't already spotted the potential behind those changes, nothing you say or do will enlighten them.
***Hope you had fun reading your horoscope, feel free to leave comments, have a great day ahead for all of us!***

***I agree that facing your fears is much much better than hiding from it. You get bruised along the way, but at the end of the day, you'll learn lessons that will make you a better and tougher person.***

Aries (Mar 20 - Apr 18)Conducting a review of existing arrangements or organising plans according to precise requirements isn't fun. However, since this week's theme of thoroughness is inescapable, you'd best tackle things properly once and for all.
Taurus (Apr 19 - May 19)Frank discussions with loved ones aren't at the top of your agenda. However, the issues in question have plagued you for long enough that talking them through is a relief. Better yet, this ensures you're in the right frame of mind to make important decisions.

Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 21)Since last Friday's eclipse you've been thinking about potential alterations in your life and whether your time and efforts are adequately valued. Still, play it cool, since situations remain unclear until August's second eclipse on the 16th.

***Hope you had fun reading your horoscope, feel free to leave comments, have a great day ahead for all of us!***
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