I feel really selfish posting just my zodiac sign in here, so I'm making up to you guyz by posting all of the signs from now on. Courtesy by Gulf News'Friday Magazine, feel free to grab it!
Gemini (May 20 - Jun 20)
While you'll easily spot the potential in the cycle of change that commences with the eclipsed new moon today and continues until midmonth, others won't. Consequently, your major challenge could be preventing them from battling worthwhile developments.
Leo (Jul 22 - Aug 21)
Don't be surprised if you feel confused. Today's eclipsed new moon is about disentangling yourself from the past. In certain situations plans have been bogging you down, while in others you'll have been seeking change. Ba patient. Things will unfold soon.
Virgo (Aug 22 - Sep 21)
Ordinarily you'd either sidestep enforced changes in your routine or devise ways to adapt. But the events triggered by August's two eclipses are strangely unsettling. Not only is everybody influenced by these but in your case they're breaking up restrictive patterns.
Libra (Sep 22 - Oct 22)
Forget about smoothing out ruffled feathers. Now, upsets of any variety are best discussed openly. Counter-productive as this seems now, by midweek you're discussing issues frankly. These exchanges, triggered by eclipses, result in stunning improvements.
Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 20)
Events may be unexpected or inconvenient, but they're still in your best interests. For ages you've suspected a major reorganisation of your work or lifestyle was looming. Now August's eclipses kick-start it, although perhaps not quite as you'd have envisioned.
Sagittarius (Nov 21 - Dec 20)
Change is in the air. Knowing this, you'd prefer to get going. But not everybody is as keen. Plus, August's eclipses will alter circumstances, others' thinking and your own perspective on the future. Take things one day at a time, and you'll enjoy this remarkable cycle.
Capricorn (Dec 21 - Jan 19)
Others are buzzing with new ideas. But you are cautious and want to know more. You will know plenty by early September's planetary activity. But now each day brings changes and offers, and you're reluctant to commit. Actually, you should consider the offers.
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
Discerning between changes that influence others, your environment and, ultimately, you and those that have to do with deeply personal matters may not be easy. Today's eclipse focuses on the former, and triggers numerous overdue changes.
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 19)
Don't confuse the intense clashes triggered by Wednesday's run-in between Mars and Uranus in Pisces with the larger cycle of change. The latter, which starts with today's eclipse and continues until midmonth, ushers in much needed changes in numerous situations.

While you'll easily spot the potential in the cycle of change that commences with the eclipsed new moon today and continues until midmonth, others won't. Consequently, your major challenge could be preventing them from battling worthwhile developments.
***Really my horoscope just keeps getting better, and everything at work as well. Guess my stars started aligning well these past few days.***
Aries (Mar 20 - Apr 18)
Certain habits which involve everything from your health to work have been troublesome. While you may not recognise the events triggered by Wednesday's clash between Mars and Uranus as resolving these, they will. The trick, therefore, is to bow to destiny.
Taurus (Apr 19 - May 19)
When sudden changes are triggered by today's solar eclipse, resist the temptation to regain the status quo. That way, by midweek you'll recognise these as being part of a larger and ultimately extremely worthwhile pattern of change that will benefit your lifestyle.

Certain habits which involve everything from your health to work have been troublesome. While you may not recognise the events triggered by Wednesday's clash between Mars and Uranus as resolving these, they will. The trick, therefore, is to bow to destiny.

When sudden changes are triggered by today's solar eclipse, resist the temptation to regain the status quo. That way, by midweek you'll recognise these as being part of a larger and ultimately extremely worthwhile pattern of change that will benefit your lifestyle.

Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 21)
Ultimately what you learn, about both certain situations and yourself, will justify the challenging situations and tides of emotion triggered by August's two eclipses, today and on the 16th. Still, dilemmas could seem overwhelming.
Ultimately what you learn, about both certain situations and yourself, will justify the challenging situations and tides of emotion triggered by August's two eclipses, today and on the 16th. Still, dilemmas could seem overwhelming.

Don't be surprised if you feel confused. Today's eclipsed new moon is about disentangling yourself from the past. In certain situations plans have been bogging you down, while in others you'll have been seeking change. Ba patient. Things will unfold soon.

Ordinarily you'd either sidestep enforced changes in your routine or devise ways to adapt. But the events triggered by August's two eclipses are strangely unsettling. Not only is everybody influenced by these but in your case they're breaking up restrictive patterns.

Forget about smoothing out ruffled feathers. Now, upsets of any variety are best discussed openly. Counter-productive as this seems now, by midweek you're discussing issues frankly. These exchanges, triggered by eclipses, result in stunning improvements.

Events may be unexpected or inconvenient, but they're still in your best interests. For ages you've suspected a major reorganisation of your work or lifestyle was looming. Now August's eclipses kick-start it, although perhaps not quite as you'd have envisioned.

Change is in the air. Knowing this, you'd prefer to get going. But not everybody is as keen. Plus, August's eclipses will alter circumstances, others' thinking and your own perspective on the future. Take things one day at a time, and you'll enjoy this remarkable cycle.

Others are buzzing with new ideas. But you are cautious and want to know more. You will know plenty by early September's planetary activity. But now each day brings changes and offers, and you're reluctant to commit. Actually, you should consider the offers.

Discerning between changes that influence others, your environment and, ultimately, you and those that have to do with deeply personal matters may not be easy. Today's eclipse focuses on the former, and triggers numerous overdue changes.

Don't confuse the intense clashes triggered by Wednesday's run-in between Mars and Uranus in Pisces with the larger cycle of change. The latter, which starts with today's eclipse and continues until midmonth, ushers in much needed changes in numerous situations.
***Hope you had fun reading your horoscope, feel free to leave comments, have a great day ahead for all of us!***
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