Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Dare To Be Free

People are confusing the meaning of "punk" as just getting wasted or high or crazy. Well I hate to disappoint some of you guys. Being punk is just not all about wearing wierd clothes or crazy stuff, and looking like you haven't took a bath for ages. Nor just screaming and yelling the songs of your favorite rock bands out in the alley. It's more about being who you are and who you wanna be. It's also about not giving a damn what people think of you. Yes it is about feeling free and living life to the fullest, not caring about restrictions or the consequences that might follow your actions.

I must admit that being a punk has a negative side, but don't you feel good just by following your instincs and living your dreams? As long as you are not hurting anybody, being a punk rocks! I adore punk rock bands like Greed Day, Metallica, and Limp Bizkit because they sing as though they haven't a care in the world, they just simply sing their hearts out.

So I'm calling all the punks out there to visit this awesome Punk Chat Room and chat with people who are living life the way you do. Get to learn more about new rock bands and be updated in recent punk fashion. Though punks don't care about the latest fashion because they just act on impulse, it good to be punk and updated. Oh, did I mention that signing up will cost you almost nothing? Yeah, because it will take up only a fraction of your precious time. Few clicks and you'll be on your way to a world where punks rule supreme.

Dare to be free and don't be a copycat. Remember, nothing beats the original!

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